University of Trier
University of Trier is a young, dynamic university with 15.000 students. It is one of Germany’s top 20 humanities and social science universities in terms of its ability to attract third party research funding. With its ideas and input, the university has become an important contributor to politics and society in the Trier region with strong transnational connections to Luxembourg, France, and Belgium. Focused particularly on humanities and social sciences, UT provides highly demanded study programs for teachers and social workers (social pedagogues) and has a strong expertise in the field of migration research. The International Research Training Group Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces is one of the many transnational research collaborations of UT. The department of education particularly provides expertise in migration and refugee studies and in the field of transnational knowledge transfer. Research projects on the life course of young refugees connects the regional situation of Trier as a major destination of refugees in Rhineland-Palatinate and Germany with highly topical research on integration of refugees.
Dr. Marc Tull
Marc Tull is a social worker and researcher in the unit of Social Pedagogy. He combines different qualitative research methods. His Ph.D. Thesis centered on the ethnography of eating situations in elementary and primary schools. His additional fields of interest are disabilities and migration. As a teacher, he leads trainings on cross-cultural competence and particularly emphasizes art based methods in the service of learning.

Dr. Lothar Müller
Lothar Müller is research associate and a teacher at the Education Department. His PhD thesis was based on a large-scale empirical study on the topic of human rights education. He conducted several studies in the field of diagnostic, evaluation and school development. As a licensed psychotherapist, he is also interested in matters of school psychology like counselling, developmental or mental disorders.

Prof. Stefan Köngeter
Stefan Köngeter is a Professor for Social Work at the University of Applied Science St. Gallen, Switzerland. Until recently, he has been a Professor at the School of Pedagogy at Trier University. Stefan serves as a consultant to DEMO for the development of participatory methods for engaging students with lives of migrants and refugees. His research interests comprise a broad range of topics in social pedagogy, social work and sociology: transnationalization of welfare knowledge, professionalization of social pedagogy and social work, child and youth care, history of the settlement house movement, and relational social theories.

Prof. Jutta Standop
Jutta Standop is a Professor at the School of Pedagogy and General Didactics at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Until recently, she was a Professor for the School of Pedagogy at Trier University. Jutta serves as a consultant to DEMO on formulating the principles for implementation of innovative teaching methodologies. Jutta’s main interests are student-active learning, moral education, teacher attitudes and subjective theories, and general didactics/didactics of homework. Jutta has presented her work in numerous conferences and organized conferences, workshops and symposia on her subject.

Ms. Bettina Diwersy
Bettina Diwersy is a social worker and researcher in the unit of Social Pedagogy. She is currently writing her doctoral thesis based on the Interred research project EUR&QUA, which investigates transnational cases of child protection in the Greater Region of Luxembourg, Wallonia, Lorraine, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate. The aim of the project is to develop a cross-border area for international child protection in the Greater Region. Bettina’s research analyses professional action in cross-border child and youth welfare services. Her additional fields of interest are internationalization, transnationalization and professionalization of social pedagogy and social work.