Vilnius University
Vilnius University, one of the oldest and most famous establishments of higher education in Eastern and Central Europe, was founded in 1579. Its mission is to create, accumulate and disseminate knowledge in the atmosphere where old traditions and new ideas enrich each other. Freedom of thought and diversity of opinions are the main values of the University community. The University distinguishes itself by a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research with the goal of international excellence in the interdisciplinary research.
Vilnius University has twelve faculties, seven institutes, and four study and research centers. Total number of students at VU in 2015 was 21,006, with additional 1,244 international students and with the academic staff of 1,348. Kaunas Faculty (KnF) is the only academic sub-unit of Vilnius University located in another city, where it was established in 1964. The students are offered nine BA level study programs: from English and Russian Languages and Audiovisual Translation to Economics, Economics and Management, Cultural Management etc. Research projects are also implemented, such as National Research Project “Impact of Organizational Ethics on Transformation of Organizational Innovativeness to Sustainable Innovations”, international research project FP7 Marie Curie IRSES scheme “Pro-ecological Restructuring of Jobs – PRORES”, etc.

Prof. Loreta Ulvydiene
Loreta Ulvydiene is the head of DEMO in Vilnius University. She is a former Vice-Dean for project coordination at Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities - is a Professor of Inter-Cultural Communication & Translation at Institute of Languages, Literature and Translation Studies. She has developed and taught courses in Translation and Cross-cultural Communication, Technologies and Innovations of Communication, Audiovisual Translation etc. Loreta was a keynote speaker and a chair at international congresses, editor of scientific journals: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier and Vice-editor of Respectus Philologicus, and participated in a number of international projects. She is a member of EST (European Society for Translation Studies), ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English) and EAAS (European Association for American Studies). SA

Prof. Virginija Jureniene
Virginija Jureniene is a Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics and is teaching Contemporary civilization history, the History of Lithuanian culture and business and Gender history. She is an expert of the Lithuania Culture Council, of the European Institute for Gender Equality. Virginja has been involved in numerous international and local project as a participant and as a manager, among them: “Educational activities of cultural centres in the aspect of communities’ intercultural mobilization” by the Research Council of Lithuania. She has published about seventy articles and six monographs in international peer reviewed journals.

Prof. Vytautas Rudžionis
Vytautas Rudžionis is a Professor at the Department of Social Science and Applied Informatics. He teaches a group of subjects related to computer science. His research interests are artificial intelligence, signal processing, speech recognition and natural language processing. He is interested in application of these technologies for learning. He took part in several European COST actions and various national research projects. Vytautas authored more than fifty research papers.

Dovile Balevicience
Dovile Baleviciene, PhD candidate of social sciences. Master’s degree completed in Kaunas University of Technology in the field of project management and bachelor’s degree completed in Vilnius University in the field of cultural management. Her research interests are cultural diversity, art management, social media management and project management. Dovile is the administrative director of DEMO at the Vilnius University.